The centre joins Cricket Australia’s National Cricket Centre in Brisbane, Loughborough University and the Sri Ramachandra University in Chennai as testing facilities for players reported in international cricket under the ICC Regulations for the Review of Bowlers reported with Suspected Illegal Bowling Actions.
The ICC has provided its testing protocol, which includes a suite of testing equipment and software, to the four accredited centres, to allow for a consistent assessment of bowlers across the different facilities and countries.
The accreditation of the University of Pretoria is part of an ICC effort to tackle the issue of illegal bowling actions in a number of ways, including the location of accredited testing facilities in each region. With several other countries showing interest in hosting testing centres to help them assess bowlers in their domestic competitions, the ICC hopes to assess and accredit a select range of additional facilities over the coming years.
The Regulations for the Review of Bowlers reported with Suspected Illegal Bowling Actions can be found here.