Malta: Growth and development
The final week of 2014 saw Malta continue their successful engagement of Live Your Goals. This time over 100 new U-11 girls turned up to participate in the Malta Football Association’s (MFA) free fun activity held at the Centenary Stadium. The young players benefitted from tuition provided by women’s national team coaches, national team players and more. Among those providing tuition were Malta captain Dorianne Theuma and vice-captain Charlene Zammit.
Uganda: Africa engages with LYG
December also saw Uganda become the first African nation to host a Live Your Goals event for the year. And the occasion proved to be an overwhelming success with over 200 participants descending on KCC Stadium in Kampala aged between 6-24 years. The event allowed the opportunity to showcase and create awareness of women’s football to the community, and similarly create awareness amongst the government, media, business community and the football family at large.
Other festivals
In addition to the above January saw Belgium engage with the Live Your Goals programme where they will host the programme coinciding with a FIFA Goal Project.