The Chief Executive Officer of Man City FC (SL), Armani Sheku Kamara who on Tuesday donated medical equipment to the Moeba Community Health Centre said the gesture was in response to President Koroma’s call to scale up effort in the fight against the Ebola scourge.
“Medical workers have suffered from this deadly virus and Manchester City Fan Club, British Telecom and Manchester City Police Force have thought it fit to help with their little contribution in complementing the government in the fight against the deadly virus in the country.
Receiving the cartons of medical items, Councilor of WARD 364 Edwin Howard, expressed gratitude to Manchester City Fan Club and it partners for the medical items donated. He assured that the donation would be used for its intended purpose.
Health Officer of the Community, Mr Sulaiman Sangarie thanked the Manchester City Fan Club for their gesture in helping the community combat the disease. The medical items include gloves, anti bacteria soap, Alcohol Hand Gel, and Sanitizers.
He said the donation will help complement efforts by the Government to address the challenges faced in the fight against Ebola. He added: “I`m an Arsenal fan, but the donation would prompt me to rethink to switch over to Manchester City because no Premier League club had done such to Sierra Leone in the fight against the Ebola disease in the country.
He said the country and the community has faced a lot in the post war era and therefore needs the collective efforts of all Sierra Leoneans to win the battle against Ebola.
He added that the items will go a long way to help in the fight against Ebola.