Lord Coe was joined by his IAAF Council colleagues Abby Hoffman (CAN) and Katsuyuki Tanaka (JPN), a delegation from IAAF staff led by the IAAF General Secretary Essar Gabriel as well as representatives from the IAAF marketing partner Dentsu/AMS.
“My Council colleagues will be comforted to know that we have three excellent candidates, representing three different continental areas, and that each one of them is fully aware that the World Championships are the most important property in the IAAF portfolio of events.
“The Evaluation Commission was able to assist and advise each candidate during our visit, as we want them to be able to make the best possible presentation to the IAAF Council on the 18 November.”
The EVCOM visited the cities on the following dates:
• Barcelona 14-15 October 2014
• Eugene 26-27 October 2014
• Doha 30-31 October 2014
As well as on-site visits to facilities and accommodation options, the key areas examined were:
• Vision and General Concept
• Competition
• Accommodation
• Transportation
• Congress & Council Meetings
• Broadcasting
• Media Operations
• Medical & Anti-Doping
• Ceremonies & Protocol
• Legacy
• Visa, Work Permit, Customs
• Security
• Sponsor opportunities and other commercial activities
• Ticketing
• Communication & Promotion
• Finance
The Report of the EVCOM will now be submitted to the IAAF Council on 7 November.
The host city for the 2019 IAAF World Championships will be decided in Monaco by the IAAF Council on Tuesday 18 November 2014, following final presentations by the three candidates.