Elections for the President, Vice Presidents (4 seats), Treasurer, Female Individual Council Members (6), Individual Council Members (9) and the four Committees of the IAAF (Technical, Women’s, Race Walking and Cross Country) took place.
The elected members of the IAAF Council from 2015-19 can be seen (with the votes cast) in a pdf file here.
Detailed election results for the Committees to follow.
Reports were submitted by the four Committees of the IAAF, the 13 Commissions, the six Area Group Associations as well as reports from the Organising Committees of the IAAF World Championships, Beijing 2015 and Rio 2016 Olympic Games.
Full membership of the IAAF was confirmed for the federations of Kosovo and South Sudan.
The federation of Gabon was suspended.
Proposals passed by Congress included the following:
- Of the four Vice Presidents there has to be a minimum of one from each gender.
- An IAAF President cannot serve for more than three consecutive four year terms.
- IAAF Council candidates who reached the age of 70 during year of an election congress can not be elected or re-elected.