Following Letters of Intent received earlier this year, formal Candidate Files have been submitted by the following IAAF Member Federations: Qatar, for the city of Doha, Spain, for the city of Barcelona, and United States of America, for the city of Eugene.
The IAAF Evaluation Commission (EVCOM) which will now carry out the evaluation of the bids has been formed and their programme decided.
IAAF Council Members:
- Sebastian Coe - IAAF Vice President, Chairman of the Evaluation Commission
- Abigail Hoffman - IAAF Council Member
- Katsuyuki Tanaka - IAAF Council Member
IAAF Office:
- Essar Gabriel - IAAF General Secretary
- Nick Davies - IAAF Deputy General Secretary & IAAF Communications Director
- Paul Hardy - IAAF Competitions Director
- Junko Shiota/Ryo Wakabayashi – Dentsu
- Nigel Swinscoe - AMS
EVCOM visits will consist of two (2) working days in each city:
- Barcelona 14 - 15 October 2014
- Eugene 26 - 27 October 2014
- Doha 30 - 31 October 2014
Evaluation Format
The IAAF EVCOM will analyse the capabilities of each contender in a number of areas, based on careful study of the bidding documents and the on-site visits. Amongst the key areas that will be examined are:
- Vision and General Concept
- Competition
- Accommodation
- Transportation
- Congress & Council Meetings
- Broadcasting
- Media Operations
- Medical & Anti-Doping
- Ceremonies & Protocol
- Legacy
- Visa, Work Permit, Customs
- Security
- Sponsoring and Other Commercial Activities
- Ticketing
- Communication & Promotion
- Finance
The EVCOM visits will follow a standard agenda that has been sent by the IAAF to each Candidature Committee. Candidature Committees have been requested to organise a working meeting with the EVCOM members to go through each of the above themes, introducing them briefly and allowing for Q&A; as well as to organise Site Visit of the key venues for the WCH. In addition an official dinner or lunch and a press conference will be organised.
The Report of the EVCOM will be drafted from the Candidature File reviews and EVCOM visits. It will be reviewed and approved collectively by the EVCOM members to reflect the unanimous opinion of the EVCOM prior to submission to the IAAF Council on 7 November.
The host city for the IAAF World Championships 2019 will be decided in Monaco by IAAF Council on Tuesday 18 November 2014, following final presentations made by the three candidates.