Trailrunning is all about running across fields and meadows, over mountains and hills, in amongst nature and far from any tarred roads.
The premiere of the Hochkönigman takes place from 5 to 7 June 2015; a 3-day highlight in the trailrunning scene with runs over 3 different distances. For those who simply can’t go fast enough, there is the Speed Trail covering 21.4 km and 1469 vertical metres; the Marathon Trail for all endurance runners (46.6 km long and covering 3082 vertical metres), and for all those who really want to push their limits, the Endurance Trail, covering 85.4 km and 5593 vertical metres.
The event organisers have thought up something really special for the start of the Hochkönigman: the Opening Run obstacle race. You can enter individually or as teams of 2, and the race takes you over or through various obstacles such as fences, hay bales, tractor tyres, pipes, and water obstacles. Sweat, compete, run, but above all have fun: that’s what this is all about; a fun competition for everyone