Prosecutor Gerrie Nel confronted Pistorius about his apology to Reeva’s family and friends at the start of his evidence on Monday, more than a year after the event.
“Do you feel better after the apology?” Nel asked – to which Pistorius replied; “I don’t think I can feel better, but I haven’t had the opportunity to apologise before.”
Nel wanted to know why Pistorius had chosen to create a spectacle in court instead of trying to arrange a private meeting with Reeva’s parents so he could apologise.
Nel put it to Pistorius that he never thought how Steenkamps family and friends would feel hearing such an apology while sitting in a public gallery in the gaze of the world.
Pistorius said he thought it would be difficult for them to look at someone who killed their daughter and hear him apologise.
Nel hammered on messages in which Reeva berated Pistorius for making scenes in public and being nasty.
The case continues again today.