Within the new AIBA roadmap is the optimisation and improvement of the R&J structure, including the possible introduction of a five-judge scoring system and the review of management and certification processes for referees and judges. The proposed changes will be brought to the relevant commissions in the coming weeks for further review, approval and implementation by the Executive Committee.
The Commissions also addressed possible disciplinary action for violations of the AIBA Code of Conduct that occurred during the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Individuals and associated Federations have been forwarded to the Disciplinary Commission for further investigation, with appropriate actions to follow. It is essential that the AIBA family operates under this Code that epitomizes the key values of our sport: respect, fairness, integrity and transparency.
Additionally, the Commissions recommended to the President a proposal for internal restructuring within AIBA itself to improve efficiency and communications and to better serve the AIBA family. The President immediately agreed to implement this proposal.
AIBA and the senior executives reiterated their unwaivering commitment to addressing the challenges facing boxing and to bringing solutions that will ensure the integrity of our sport is maintained at all times