The International Cricket Council (ICC) yesterday conducted a Town Hall meeting in Chicago with stakeholders from the USA cricket community.
The meeting was attended by 85 people, with most representing many of the approximately 100 cricket leagues across the country.
The current status of cricket in the USA – including the ICC Board’s recent suspension of the USA Cricket Association (USACA) – was discussed during the meeting, however, most time was spent considering the future strategic priorities for the game in the USA. The development of a meaningful strategy aimed at assisting the future promotion and development of cricket in the country will now continue over the coming months.
“We came to learn earlier this year that although lots of cricket was being played in the USA, and lots of passionate people were supporting the game, these efforts were largely disconnected,” said ICC Chief Executive David Richardson.
“A focus on bringing people together to share information, discuss common issues and, importantly, start talking about how exciting the future of cricket in the USA could be was therefore needed, and that’s what was achieved during this meeting.
“There remains much work to do, however, judging by the attitude of those in attendance who are keen for cricket in the USA to move forward with greater purpose, this has certainly been a very positive step in the right direction.”
Over the coming months the USA Local Advisory Group will continue to engage with the community as part of the strategy development process.